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designer and developer
designer and developer
Working Together - Two Lego characters shaking hands. Image rendered using 3DS Max and Vray

Working Together

Two Lego characters shaking hands. Image rendered using 3DS Max and Vray

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

Last updated January 2015

Working together on your project

Whether we've worked together before or you are a new client, I've prepared some useful information to guide you through to a successful completion of your project.

More information

Managing your project

Managing your project - Flat icon style illustration demonstrating the steps involved in a project

Managing your project

Flat icon style illustration demonstrating the steps involved in a project

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

Everything you need to know about how I work, the steps involved in completing a project, and what you'll need to do to make the work a success.

Credit Management

Credit Management - A paper plane made from one of Eddie Green's invoices

Credit Management

A paper plane made from one of Eddie Green's invoices

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

If I've agreed a credit account with you, you'll want to familiarise yourself with my credit management policy so you can keep on top of those pesky invoices and keep costs down.

Terms of Business

Terms and Conditions - 3D visualisation of a printout the first page of my standard terms and conditions, rendered in 3DS Max and Vray

Terms and Conditions

3D visualisation of a printout the first page of my standard terms and conditions, rendered in 3DS Max and Vray

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

I’ll always do my best to fulfil your needs and meet your expectations, but it’s important to have things written down so that we both know what’s what, who should do what and when, and what will happen if something goes wrong.

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